Pranjal Mishra.

Just thinking out Louder.

Hi, I am Pranjal, Founder & CEO of Your Brand Mate, and Co-Founder of REC3RD.
I have been a Designer, Writer, Animator, and deep into Hardware and Sofwares since childhood. Breaking things down, Building things up

I like working closely with passionate people, founders, teams, showing ideas their first sunlight - regardless of the medium - Design, Product, Stories, Animations, Softwares. Experiences. Been there, done each of that.

Let's build together?

Cover Image for Change is not the only constant.

In a world where we say Change is the Only Constant, I believe we should have the bandwidth to maintain some more constants that don't really change until and unless they truly need iteration or alteration.

Pranjal Mishra
Pranjal Mishra

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Cover Image for Life isn't Black and white, It's millions of shades of grey.

Life isn't Black and white, It's millions of shades of grey.

Life, in its true essence, isn't black and white; it's millions of shades of grey.

Pranjal Mishra
Pranjal Mishra